
I listen to anything but country. Gangster rap (80s/90s), classical, alternative, some pop, EDM, literally everything except country. I can’t find anything to like about country
I listen to anything but country. Gangster rap (80s/90s), classical, alternative, some pop, EDM, literally everything except country. I can’t find anything to like about country
That’s unfortunate. Considering you drive a truck maybe you have more in common then you think 🤷
I can’t find anything to like about country
That's a pretty wide range of music. I find much of the newer country has more similarities to older rock than older country.

I never used to listen to the "popular" country back in the 80s and 90s. Still don't really care for it. Some of the new stuff I like as much, if not more than some of the newer rock, most of which is forgettable, unfortunately... I like Bluegrass and Old-time, too, which are sub-genres of country. Those take a certain appreciation, though. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea. 😂
That's a pretty wide range of music. I find much of the newer country has more similarities to older rock than older country.

I never used to listen to the "popular" country back in the 80s and 90s. Still don't really care for it. Some of the new stuff I like as much, if not more than some of the newer rock, most of which is forgettable, unfortunately... I like Bluegrass and Old-time, too, which are sub-genres of country. Those take a certain appreciation, though. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea. 😂
Speaking of, I need another hobby so I just ordered a banjo. I really want to play old bluegrass/country stuff. I have zero musical talent so Im fairly certain my wife will kick me out or hide the banjo 😂
Speaking of, I need another hobby so I just ordered a banjo. I really want to play old bluegrass/country stuff. I have zero musical talent so Im fairly certain my wife will kick me out or hide the banjo 😂
Nice. I built a somewhat sound proof studio in our basement so I can play fiddle without driving everyone else out of the house... 🎻

What's the difference between a banjo and a trampoline? 🪕 take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline. :rolleyes:

Sorry, couldn't resist. :cool:
If bluegrass is considered country, then I can do that. In my mind, country is a very specific “Brad Paisley, Brooks and Dunn” category of country. I don’t mind some Johnny Cash, but it’s just not a genre that I’ve ever craved or wanted to listen to. No clue why. In high school, I was crushing hard on a girl that loved country. Believe me, I tried to like it. Haha. Just never stuck
Growing up I despised country. I mostly listened punk rock and heavy metal (the big 4 style not that screaming crap) After moving to the South and being here for almost my entire adult life, I like country. Well I should say I like mostly old stuff as the new crap is basically pop with a Southern accent. Newer stuff like Aaron Lewis and Kevin Fowler are great. Im pretty eclectic though. Im a huge Daler Mehndi fan.
My current favorite band! The drums are sick!!

Another great one.

And Cake doing a classic!!

Love it! Yeah I've been in bands since high school (many years ago), started out playing Rush and Led Zeppelin with Eric Kretz on Drums and John Wedemeyer on Guitar. They've gone on to make amazing careers in the music industry. Me? Working high tech jobs and having fun with music as a hobby. If you ever get out to California we could use a 2nd guitarist and your vocals!!!
Rush is the best.
My current favorite band! The drums are sick!!

Another great one.

And Cake doing a classic!!

Good stuff. Here's some drumming for ya. Enjoy!:
