Will it start?

The "plug/key is smaller in diameter than a quarter. It has 16 pins, would be difficult to downsize and be durable.
I do product design; it's not hard at all. We do potted hermetic pins in a stainless housing. They just aren't willing to adapt and make the product more appealing. Truck can still be stolen either way. (y)
You’re awesome, excellent suggestion. I’ll go for that
Report back and let us know how it works...I have been locking my keys in my Expy for 10yrs...I had a nice hide up under the dash for a real key. I dont surf but I don't like carry keys on my outdoor ventures.
I don't think they can. You locked the keys in the console safe but locked the truck with the keypad. If they smash a window the alarm should go off preventing it from starting. Also, if they smash a window and unlock it from the inside the alarm should go off preventing it from starting. If they jimmy the lock the alarm should go off. I know that the security features can be defeated etc. but I think your risk is low. Myself, and I'm sure a lot of others leave our trucks running and lock the truck with the keypad.
That's my understanding as well.