Pistol Mount

He knows absolutely everything and if you aren’t in 100% agreement with him you are wrong, no questions asked!

I'd like to petition the mods to add a permenant Shrike9 tag under his user name.

Yeah, TJ Carr 😂

He blocked me when I called him out.

I am not this Shrike you speak of and I have not blocked you, please stop lying

I really feel sorry for you, seems all you do is make false accusations and assumptions about me, I forgive you for being such a negative person & not having anything positive to bring to the discussion & instead exist to troll me
Bad day & not in good place, cold weather makes the body screaming no excuse, I’m not socially acceptable

anywhoo, look at it, where is it pointing, you are violating 1 of the 4 cardinal rules of gun safety, it’s pointed at your leg/foot depending on how you move, you never ever point a gun at your body pieces parts

When you carry a gun, keep it on your body unless you can not, then lock it up, a good quality holster/belt will make it so it does not hurt, it should not be “comfortable” but a firearm is “comforting” and you should always feel where it is on your person, but lots of cheap holsters and/or belts will make hot spots, make it yet, be annoying and thus you remove it to be comfortable

Access, it is slower to grab it if you need it, this is a training issue, you can stage your firearm around the seatbelt if you are in downtown Mogadishu & expecting a gunfight

Administration gun handling, the more you play with your gun, the higher the risks of it going bang when you do not want it to go bang, holstering a firearm can cause your body to twist/turn/contort in such a way the muzzle points at your body & if a piece of clothing or something gets inbetween the holster and trigger…..bang

How do you sadly holster it or draw it & place it in that holster without anybody seeing it, do you hope nobody sees you in the truck, stand up behind the open door & hope nobody sees you?

In some jurisdictions it is illegal, if you are on a road trip, or Travelling across state/city lines, need to make sure it is legal

In a crash, it can become yet another flying object and that’s never good

It’s easy to forget when you stop for gas, to take a emergency dump, grab a burger, anything that causes you to get out of the truck, so yo are unarmed & then your truck gets broken into and you just armed a thug

If something bad happens and shit goes sideways, you panic and freak out, the gun gets forgotten, some thug grabs at you, the gun is not where it’s needed and you fumble & do not gra it, now thug has another gun


Not all holsters are created equal, some are cheap copies of more expensive holsters & some are just garbage & uncomfortable/hurt and do not conceal worth a crap, pick a holster for what you are doing, you might have several holsters or the same gun. Don’t cheap out on a holster, why put a $600 gun in a $35 gun store holster special that’s cheap and a huge profit margin, skip the flashy marketing and do research, buy quality

Belts, not all belts are designed to hold up a gun and extra ammo, it needs to be sturdy, but not stupid stiff and contoured to your body, agsin not a cheap belt, they are a very important part of the concealment system
You strike me as someone who can appreciate a quality holster. https://bullardleather.com/collections/iwb-holster This is the best holster that I have ever had and I have had lots.
Show me a holster that never points at any part of the body. Bottom line is discipline, training, and practice are what's most important. Some of your replies make me think you are someone that angers easily and should not possess any weapon.
While I have never had a Bullard holster, I have seen a few & they are very nice.

My favorite leather holsters are a couple original Alessi holsters as well as a couple original Mitch Rosen ones.

For the past few years I have been using Raven Concealment holsters as well as Dark Star Gear & a couple other kydex holsters, but nothing is as comfortable and warm/personable as a custom hand made leather one

You strike me as someone who can appreciate a quality holster. https://bullardleather.com/collections/iwb-holster This is the best holster that I have ever had and I have had lots.
I am not this Shrike you speak of and I have not blocked you, please stop lying

I really feel sorry for you, seems all you do is make false accusations and assumptions about me, I forgive you for being such a negative person & not having anything positive to bring to the discussion & instead exist to troll me
It was pure coincidence that you appeared immediately after his ban and also share the same profile location and post "quality". I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure I'm not.

Maybe drop the superiority complex and you'll find less resistance from myself and others.
It was pure coincidence that you appeared immediately after his ban and also share the same profile location and post "quality". I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure I'm not.

Also happens to claim to be an ex-firefighter, ex-military, ex-Californian, with similarly piddling knowledge about each subject.
I'm not sure I should post in this thread but I ran out of popcorn... damnit... but here goes. Every holstered gun points at the person wearing it or another person at some point or another based on the position the person is in. In the end, it is about training on handling and use of the firearm regardless of the mount.

There are plenty of folks on here, possibly myself included, who have been employed and trained by experts. Very rarely, if ever, will you catch these people leading off with, "... only a fu@#ing idiot would do..." Most of the time, they would lead off with trying to educate a person on the drawbacks.

To the OP, I personally would not have a gun mounted there as I'd be hitting it with my knee constantly. However, unless you are left handed, mount the holster to the drivers door, practice extreme yoga and have superb muscle memory, when you draw you will be bringing it across your lap or in an otherwise "unsafe" manner.

Wife just got home with more popcorn and beer! Please disregard any further comments from me! :cool:
That’s nice that you can carry it unloaded and quickly rack the slide after you have established a good grip. Thanks
That’s nice that you can carry it unloaded and quickly rack the slide after you have established a good grip. Thanks for sharing!
A empty pistol is worthless, but you can rack it fast, really fast. Take my word on that.
Now that constitutional carry is in effect, this is definitely no longer an issue. The only restriction for open carry would be that the firearm must remain holstered..which this solution checks the box for. The change in the law this year specifically removed the definition of a holster to mean a belt or shoulder holster..which was a gray area before on what qualified.

reference: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=HB1407

SECTIONA1.AASection 46.035(a), Penal Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(a)AAA license holder commits an offense if the license
holder carries a handgun on or about the license holder’s person
under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code,
and intentionally displays the handgun in plain view of another
person in a public place.AAIt is an exception to the application of
this subsection that the handgun was partially or wholly visible
but was:
(1)AAcarried in a shoulder or belt holster by the
license holder; or
(2)AAin a holster, and the handgun and the license
holder were in a motor vehicle.

edit: removed prior comment about the law prior to constitutional carry since the definition of a holster was not well defined and it could be debated as to whether this solution would have qualified or not.
Thanks for the post. I hadn't read the actual verbiage of the September 2021 changes.

Historically, we have had some confusing and arcane laws regarding handguns, especially prior to CHL's passage with the really nebulous definition of "travelling".
You mean like this: (fast foreword to 26 seconds) All it takes is a good professional trainer who knows and understands what he/she is teaching, it’s actually quite easy to engage a mutt from inside a vehicle with a firearm holstered on your person if you have proper training.

Yeah, I know. I have trained to it. Doesn't change the fact that there are all manner of obstructions to deal with to include consoles, steering wheels, seat belts, glass, etc. ect, any of which can conflict with your draw stroke.