Scheduled to be built 12/11, any ETA?


Tremor Newbie
Dec 4, 2021
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Looking to purchase a Tremor from a dealer that ordered one and they said it’s scheduled to be built 12/11. They are in NC and I’m about to put a deposit on it. Any idea when I can expect it? They are saying two weeks at the latest, but that seems quick to me.
its possible assuming it gets built on time and ships right away without any delays. But with all the trucking shortages it could take a week or 2 after its built.
Follow-up to my reply in the 2022 Production thread ... Assembly day looks to be 7 - 14 work days from window sticker generation (at least for retail orders ... some suggest retail orders get preference over stock orders). Delivery to dealer is probably 3 - 4 weeks after assembly. These are real-life numbers from hundreds of vehicles being independently tracked by someone on another site.
My truck was ordered through a NC dealer and it took almost 3 weeks to complete the build once it started into production. It’s supposed to be at the dealer next weekend and if this holds true it will be four weeks from being built to delivery.