Well, I will say... while I'm waiting for my Tremor to come in, my dealer has given me a pretty mall crawling truck as a loaner. It's a 2019 F-150 Harley Davidson edition, built by Tuscany Trucks. My first reaction to this thing is/was "What a pretentious piece of metal waste". Having driven it now for a few weeks, I'll say that it does surprisingly well all those things that the Tremor does too EXCEPT the towing. Frankly, it also has/does a lot of the things that members do with their tremors. Suspension lifts, 37 Toyo tires, steering stabilizers, CAIs & tunes...
Why am I saying that? Getting a F250 Lariat Non-Tremor and putting the lift, tires, stabilizers, CAI and tune makes that a better truck than most stock tremors. Now is a tremor with those mods any different from the F250 Lariats with those things? I don't really see how. The only difference it'll have is the offroad driving modes and gear settings.