New Electric Hummer with 1,000HP and 11,500 lb-ft Torque


Staff member
Jul 8, 2019
Reaction Points
Austin, Texas
Current Ride
2020 Diesel Tremor
Current Ride #2
2021 Bronco

What do you guys think about GM re-releasing the Hummer next year as an all electric version with 1,000HP and 11,500 lb-ft Torque?
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If it can haul 10k 200 miles then it will grab my interest.
Agreed! If I recall TFL Truck did a towing test with the Tesla Model X and they basically canceled the test due to the horrible range. Granted they are towing up a 7% grade. It will be very interesting to see towing range on these upcoming electric trucks.
The way they are reporting torque is the same way tesla was talking about it with the cyber-truck and the roadster, which isn't the way the rest of the auto industry reports torque.

Its about 770ft-lbs or actual torque, but they are reporting the final torque numbers after mechanical advantage provided by gear ratios.
Interested to see how things play out with these electric trucks. I’d never drive a GM vehicle so the hummer is out for me. The brand does have a lot of cache and moving it to an electric platform is sure to bring some success. I’ve a got a reservation for the Rivian R1S electric suv. They seem the best poised to actually deliver a functional vehicle on time. The investment from Ford is also cool. I might cancel my reservation and buy the Lincoln electric suv that Rivian is building for Ford.
Is anyone planning on watching the new Hummer reveal tonight? It starts tonight at 8pm ET:

Show me a EV with a battery set that doesn’t crap out in the cold, a 300+ Mile range towing, doesn’t weight 5K just for the battery, then will think about going electric. The advantages of electric are still limited by the batteries which are extremely nasty for the environment to build. Crazy how the perception of current EVs being able to replace fossil fuels right now is crazy. Hopefully it will get there but still has a long way to go. I have yet to hear a plan to fund road maintenance without having fuel to tax.
You definitely won't be seeing one of these in my driveway. Other then some cool tech, not really impressed for $115,000.


Again like the Tesla no thanks. If and big if I was going to get an electric car ( my first one) it would not be an off road or tow vehicle. I would start with more of a commuter, probably something sporty. I just don't think the technology is here yet for this type of vehicle. I am thinking about the electric Harley Davison bike. Its much less and I can get my feet wet with an electric vehicle.
The electric car biz really needs to quit with the bogus wheel torque numbers. I'm surprised they didn't use inch-pounds. 138,000 torque units!!!
I think it is interesting but not compelling for me right now. I will have my Tremor for about 10 years - at that point perhaps they will have progressed, more capability to go harder for a longer time period. I will say the last few years have been interesting from an auto perspective, whether you like them or not - Bronco, new Vette, Tesla truck, Rivian, etc...