Looking for dealer. PA,OH,MI area


Tremor Fanatic
Nov 6, 2020
Reaction Points
Anchorage. AK
Current Ride
2021 Velocity Blue Tremor 7.3l
Sooo thank you guys for all the advise so far. Think the Chevy off the list. Following my thread still on which brand.

any recommendations of dealers in western PA, OH or southern MI?

need to order tremor by first of the year from one. I need to take delivery by end of April. I do have x plan. But hoping for better.
Someone on here is from the Western side of PA or just inside of OH...I'm sure they'll be able to help you out.
I got mine @ Straub Ford in Moundsville, WV. It's just across the river from OH. Great dealership as far as I'm concerned. https://www.straubford.com/
It looks like they have one in stock and two on the way.
I got mine @ Straub Ford in Moundsville, WV. It's just across the river from OH. Great dealership as far as I'm concerned. https://www.straubford.com/
It looks like they have one in stock and two on the way.
Thanks! But I’m looking for one closer to a major airport. Plus I’ll be ordering.
Ordered mine thru C Wimberly Ford. Family owned dealership in Southwest Michigan. Closest airport would be South Bend International. I also used x plan. Good luck in your hunt.