Link for a complete wiring diagram?

Rock Taxi

Founding Member
Sep 14, 2019
Reaction Points
Dallas, TX
Current Ride
2020 F350 6.7l King Ranch Tremor
Current Ride #2
2004 Jeep Wrangler LJ Unlimited
I have to give Ford credit with the upfitter switches making "normal" modifications and additions clean and easy, but some more in-depth changes would need a diagram of the factory wiring.

Is there a place you can download a full diagram of the wiring harness?

I second that! I have a general idea about isolating dual battery/ alternators but would like to be 100% of schematic. I am thinking of installing a solenoid isolator that can be closed with one of the upfitter switches. This way one battery would handle all normal starting and the other any auxiliary needs like added lighting, future winch, air compressor. In the event the truck struggles or fails to crank. Flip the upfitter and viola! batteries are commoned. Also isolates electrical failure in either alternator. If alternator or belt fail mechanically, well now your screwed?
I second that! I have a general idea about isolating dual battery/ alternators but would like to be 100% of schematic. I am thinking of installing a solenoid isolator that can be closed with one of the upfitter switches. This way one battery would handle all normal starting and the other any auxiliary needs like added lighting, future winch, air compressor. In the event the truck struggles or fails to crank. Flip the upfitter and viola! batteries are commoned. Also isolates electrical failure in either alternator. If alternator or belt fail mechanically, well now your screwed?
Doing the electrical work is above my pay grade but would love to know where I could get something like that done.
I have to give Ford credit with the upfitter switches making "normal" modifications and additions clean and easy, but some more in-depth changes would need a diagram of the factory wiring.

Is there a place you can download a full diagram of the wiring harness?

Oh, I thought you were going to pay the $86.00 and post the pdf. Very disappointed ?

Kidding, thanks.
There is this option as well. Some complain about the quality as the pdf hyperlinks don't work but it appears to be searchable.
