📷 TOTM July 2020 Tremor of the Month Is...


We had several really good entries in July that could have been featured here. This month we had a record of 54 votes! At the deadline, 6 votes separated the 1st and 2nd place winner.

We would like to congratulate @Zrobech for winning the July 2020 Tremor of the Month! Thanks again to everyone that took the time to submit a photo. We'll be getting another contest the first week of August so stay tuned! If you have any suggestions for a theme, please post in this thread.
Awesome picture!! Congrats!
Congratulations, Zrobech! That is truly an amazing photo!
Thanks guys! Appreciate it very much! I have a few more pictures I haven’t posted! My project manager also happens to be a professional photographer......so that always helps! We tried this shot at night and he got hit with quick a wall of water! Absolutely soaked!!!
Fuck I want my truck to hurry up.. Build date of 7/28 supposedly.

I got some picture ideas I think will be worthy of TOMT!