How much is everyone overpaying for diesel today?

We were dropping a bit and now on the rise again.... Thanks Biden
Made it down to $3.4 a gallon before steadily climbing to $3.65 and looking like it will continue climbing :mad:. I wonder if stocking up on winter blend for spring summer equipment use would be harmful?
Why have cheap diesel/gas when it helps push their electric car agenda on us....
Right...since mining battery materials and powering the grid to charge is soooooo environmentally friendly.
$3.69/gal here but it has been steadily rising.
Made it down to $3.4 a gallon before steadily climbing to $3.65 and looking like it will continue climbing :mad:. I wonder if stocking up on winter blend for spring summer equipment use would be harmful?
You would have to stock pile a lot to make it worth your wild.
You would have to stock pile a lot to make it worth your while.
I refuel equipment with a transfer tanks so not difficult to store for my situation; don’t run a lot in the winter so big tank is almost empty. I know with gasoline the drawbacks of winter blend ethanol aren’t worth the performance loss to save on cheaper winter blend gasoline. I’m not sure how much winter blend affects diesel though.

On a :mad: note at lunch several stations jacked diesel another $0.15 to $3.8 a gallon. Really hope it doesn’t get back over $5 a gallon in my area again.
$3.10 today in Austin
This morning in Uvalde, Tx!!
3.10 in Kentucky with discount membership
I refuel equipment with a transfer tanks so not difficult to store for my situation; don’t run a lot in the winter so big tank is almost empty. I know with gasoline the drawbacks of winter blend ethanol aren’t worth the performance loss to save on cheaper winter blend gasoline. I’m not sure how much winter blend affects diesel though.

On a :mad: note at lunch several stations jacked diesel another $0.15 to $3.8 a gallon. Really hope it doesn’t get back over $5 a gallon in my area again.
Totally missed this. Youll want to be sure tank is clean and your doing a treatment to prevent bacteria. Make sure tank is completely dry and no water is present.
4.79 yesterday 4.99 today Costco Santa Cruz California. Amazing Texas is $2.00 cheaper, go figure with all of our added fuel taxes
$5.19 for diesel in Livermore today.
Yeah CA diesel is expensive. $5.09 for me in the Sacramento area but I have seen it up over $6 at some stations. Across the border in Carson, NV it was $3.59 yesterday.
$3.25 is the cheapest I've seen it in my AO as of late.
3.05 in Wichita Falls,TX.
$3.09 at a Maverik just outside of Tucson, AZ this morning. Meanwhile, I’m still paying $3.79-3.89 in the Phoenix metro area. I have no idea why there’s such a discrepancy?? 🤷‍♂️