Priority codes are as follows. 1-9 is set by Ford, 10-19 is set by your dealer at their discretion but it has to be a retail sold unit, 20-80 is dealer discretion for stock orders only. Ford will sometimes go pick certain units and change the code to 1 or 2 to fit productions needs. I placed my order Monday it got picked up today with a vin and production week of 11/9. Priority codes that are set by the dealer is how Ford picks what to pull for the week based on the dealers priority. If the dealer has 5 units to order the week it takes the 5 lowest numbers starting at 10. is has nothing to do with the priority that ford will build your truck. if your dealer has 10 tremors on order, with only 5 allocation then 5 won't get picked up. If the dealer sets 3 of them at 10 if they have 3 allocations then all 3 get picked if they have 2 then it will randomly grab two. hope that helps understand the codes.