Exhaust leak?


Tremor Buff
Jun 22, 2020
Reaction Points
Scottsdale AZ
Came home from a camping/horseback riding trip. 200 mi each way, towing 10k lb trailer. No big jolts or rocks at campsite.
Now I get this “clacking” noise most noticeable at cold start. Not there all the time. Sounds like an exhaust leak to me - thoughts?

Sounds like the typewriter tick everyone talks about. Supposed to happen after an oil change then go away.
Mine does the same thing in the mornings when I first start it not shore what it is
sounds like your exhaust manifold is leaking... my Ram had two broken manifold bolts and sounded the same.
sounds like your exhaust manifold is leaking... my Ram had two broken manifold bolts and sounded the same.
This is what I’m suspecting. Goes away after it warms up a bit, likely as the metal expands as it heats up
Sounds like normal typewriter noise. I would not worry about it as it is a 6.7l trait. The other manufacturers also have similar noises. Most 6.7l will do it after each oil change for a couple thousand miles then go away. MY '15 did this for the 6 years I owned it. I will agree that it doesn't sound good though. My Tremor has the same noise when I first got it. It's quiet now, with 3,000 miles on it.
Sounds like normal typewriter noise. I would not worry about it as it is a 6.7l trait. The other manufacturers also have similar noises. Most 6.7l will do it after each oil change for a couple thousand miles then go away. MY '15 did this for the 6 years I owned it. I will agree that it doesn't sound good though. My Tremor has the same noise when I first got it. It's quiet now, with 3,000 miles on it.

Is there a solution or is it a noise you just have to live with? Does it cause any long term problems.

EDIT: I searched this forum and only found 3 vague references to typewriter noise. Is there a particular forum that has information on the noise?
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Just google 6.7l powerstroke typewriter noise and it will come up. Several owners have claimed they fixed it (certain types of oil/additives), however I never tried any of them as the noise never really bothered me. According to Ford it does not cause any longterm problems. My '15 would do it at idle after every oil change. The noise would progressively get quieter the more miles I put on and would eventually go away (about a 1,000 miles) and not come back to next oil change. I have only done 1 oil change on my Tremor, didn't really take notice if it did it or not.
I recently did an oil change and did not hear or notice this.
My last two 6.7’s both made the same noise. It comes and goes. I could never pinpoint when or why it would happen. When I first got my 2015 I took it to the dealer and they said it was totally normal.
TLDR; If it's this sound, don't worry about it.

I noticed this sound. Maybe same same but different. I immediately went to the local dealer and he said sounds totally normal. He didn't just blow me off with "I'ts fine, done worry about it" He started talking about injector pressures, turbo and EGRs. Made sense at the time but I don't remember the details.