Does the new Bak Revolver X4s tonneau resolve the problems/issues from the Revolver X4?


Tremor Fanatic
Mar 12, 2021
Reaction Points
Looking to get some feed back from anyone that has the newest version of the Bak revolver. There seems to be a lot of info out there on the revolver X4 but not the X4s that has supposedly corrected the issues of the X4. For all you with the latest version are you happy with it? Any regrets? Im all ears any info you can share is appreciated.
I actually received and Installed my X4s today. Only gripe so far is that the tailgate just rubs on the sharp ends of the rails. I'm going to file/sand the sharp edge (and touch up the black paint) to fix the issue. The new straps to hold it open seem nice and the rubber sections which replace the troublesome felt look much better. The best thing is the BLACK underside is a much better fit with my SPORT package Tremor!
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From what I’ve been able to tell it looks like the felt got replaced with another materiel, rubber mentioned above, so I’m hoping they sorted their issues out. I just ordered one today.
Looking to get some feed back from anyone that has the newest version of the Bak revolver. There seems to be a lot of info out there on the revolver X4 but not the X4s that has supposedly corrected the issues of the X4. For all you with the latest version are you happy with it? Any regrets? Im all ears any info you can share is appreciated.
I have the new version. I never had the old version, nor did I have any experience with it, but I did see several videos and read several reviews that documented the felt falling off. And, there was something about that silver aluminum underside that rubbed me the wrong way, especially on a black-out package truck. Because of that, I almost bought a different cover. But then I saw this new version advertised and it seemed like they fixed the issues I was concerned about. I don't think I've had this cover even a month, so obviously I can't speak to longevity. I've barely used it! It doesn't have the felt, but instead uses a plastic/rubber-like material on the underside. I don't think that will fall down, but whether or not it will become deformed over time with all the heat, etc., who knows. The cover rolls up nice. The strap receivers are much simpler and improved over the old "clip" design, IMHO. The cover installed super easy. It does look great, and overall has worked well thus far. Not 100% waterproof up near the cab, depending on how the truck is sitting and how much it's raining, but pretty close, and good enough for me. I saw a little bit of rain drip in. I think it found its way in around the forward mounting hardware. It's not enough for me to even troubleshoot. The only complaints I have were that some of the cut edges on the rear end of the top rails were rough, and unpainted - like they were trimmed after being coated. And they weren't clean cuts. A metal file and 20 seconds took care of the roughness, but I was a little surprised at all the attention to detail on this design, yet unfinished cuts. Barely noticeable to anyone except the person that installed it. So far, I am very pleased with it.
I have the new version. I never had the old version, nor did I have any experience with it, but I did see several videos and read several reviews that documented the felt falling off. And, there was something about that silver aluminum underside that rubbed me the wrong way, especially on a black-out package truck. Because of that, I almost bought a different cover. But then I saw this new version advertised and it seemed like they fixed the issues I was concerned about. I don't think I've had this cover even a month, so obviously I can't speak to longevity. I've barely used it! It doesn't have the felt, but instead uses a plastic/rubber-like material on the underside. I don't think that will fall down, but whether or not it will become deformed over time with all the heat, etc., who knows. The cover rolls up nice. The strap receivers are much simpler and improved over the old "clip" design, IMHO. The cover installed super easy. It does look great, and overall has worked well thus far. Not 100% waterproof up near the cab, depending on how the truck is sitting and how much it's raining, but pretty close, and good enough for me. I saw a little bit of rain drip in. I think it found its way in around the forward mounting hardware. It's not enough for me to even troubleshoot. The only complaints I have were that some of the cut edges on the rear end of the top rails were rough, and unpainted - like they were trimmed after being coated. And they weren't clean cuts. A metal file and 20 seconds took care of the roughness, but I was a little surprised at all the attention to detail on this design, yet unfinished cuts. Barely noticeable to anyone except the person that installed it. So far, I am very pleased with it.
I have only had mine a day, but I agree with everything you have said (including the sharp, non de-burred ends of the rails) I also had to file and touch up the rails.
Happy to hear all the positive feedback. Retrax would be nice but At $2k and still losing my bed space I think the new x4s is the route I will go. My 2022 probably won’t arrive till fall so I have some time yet. If any issues pop up please let us know.
I did not know there was a new version, as I have the silver bottom with the felt. I called them before ordering it last year and they claimed the ones with the felt falling off were made with a "bad batch of glue" from one of their suppliers. Since it has a 5 year warranty, I figured I would give it a try. It is a much better design than the BakFlip I had on my Raptor which leaked at every seam when it rained, and you could not see out of the rear window when fully open.

After almost three months, it has been flawless for me. I have checked it after several heavy downpours and so far, there has been no water penetration. Time will tell on the felt problem when it starts to get really hot down in Texas!
Due to the felt issues with the Revolver I went with the Truxedo Sentry. The X4s looks to have borrowed some features from the Sentry - black back, rubber links and strap to secure while rolled up.

Another reason I went with the Sentry is the whole cover can be removed by releasing two latches while it’s rolled up.
I have the silver bottom version of the X4.. I got the same story from Bak that the felt failures were in a limited batch.. I’ve only had it for a few months but could not be happier.. Excellent fit and finish, easy to use, still have rear window visibility when rolled up, and keeps everything nice and dry.. With the 5yr warranty, I have no worries.. I’ll probably have a different truck by then ?
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Don't forget there are two manufacturers making this type of cover - BAK and Truxedo. I bought the Truxedo version with the black canvas cover material (Sentry CT) and am pretty happy with it. Has a much simpler security attachment design, so in my books that meant a good shot at a longer product lifespan. Doesn't have the fabric glued on the underside at all, and has always been black anodized aluminum slats.

Not crapping on the BAK, just an FYI if you happen to be unaware.
Went to put mine on Saturday and noticed the cover was damaged in shipping... the rear plastic by the latch was cracked and broken.

I picked this one due to the roll up nature, updated slats, and no drain tubes (I have oak trees that drop shit all year... they would be clogged up in a few months).

I'll post a comment and review once I have the replacement part installed.

FYI, you get a better deal by calling them direct.
Went to put mine on Saturday and noticed the cover was damaged in shipping... the rear plastic by the latch was cracked and broken.

I picked this one due to the roll up nature, updated slats, and no drain tubes (I have oak trees that drop shit all year... they would be clogged up in a few months).

I'll post a comment and review once I have the replacement part installed.

FYI, you get a better deal by calling them direct.
Any update/thoughts on your cover?
So far, so good. They responded very quickly with a new cover.

The install was not too bad.

Design: The new X4s does NOT have the cloth runners; they are all rubber and look to be durable. The black finish is nice for the times it is rolled up.

Fit: There is a bit of contact with the tailgate, but you can close it with the cover down. It sits very low to the bed rails. Not "flush", but only about 1/8" proud, and it covers the tailgate lip for about 1".

The cover rolls to about 10-12" diameter. While it gives better access than a trifold, it will obscure part of the rearview and you do loose that space for taller items. I haven't loaded a motorcycle with a 21" front wheel yet (Dirt Bike/ADV bike) to see if that will clear. That was my biggest motivation for the roll-up cover - to allow the front wheel to seat against the bed and to be able to see the bike while traveling. Whether this works for the seating against the bed is TBD. I'll check when I get some new tires for the Tiger in a month or so.

You can remove it, but it is heavy and awkward to handle the rolled up cover. It can be done with one person, but not the easiest. There are knobs instead of nuts to secure it, but they are small and have nylock inserts, so they are not the easiest to remove.

It looks great and it rides well. No issues with it moving around like you get with a soft cover. I have no experience with a hard tri-fold to compare. We had some 40+ mph crosswinds the week after I installed it and you couldn't tell a difference.

The security is great, probably on the level as a hard cover. There is no prying the cover open without breaking the latches by the tailgate. With a locking gate, you are good against casual thieves.

Overall, I like it, and I think it is worth the money. Oh, and I saw a ~0.5mpg improvement (on the highway) after install. I'm only at about 2500 miles on the truck, so take that with a grain of salt as it is likely still breaking-in. But, I'm in the 13-14 mpg range vs the 12-13 range. I kind of expected an improvement, but wasn't certain how much.

I'll post some pics soon. My truck is filthy due to driving gravel roads and turkey hunting, as well as pin oak flowers falling last week. We had some heavy rain this last weekend as well, so I couldn't get to it.
I have had my original Revolver X4 for 4 months with zero issues. I like that it is easy to open partially when needed and you can see out your back window with it fully open. I have had zero leaks into the bed after several heavy downpours in my area. The BakFlip I had on previous trucks always leaked at the seals where the top folded. The Revolver has a continuous material over the rolling sections so there is no place for it to leak, except at the edges. The look of the top is similar to our standard running boards, so I think it goes very well with the Tremor package.

The felt on the underside is still holding up for now, but it has not not been over 90 degrees yet in Texas, so I still have a few more months before I know for sure if the glue will be a problem.
Anyone know if there is an option for a roll up tonneau that also offers the ability to mount cross rails with bike/kayak racks?
Anyone know if there is an option for a roll up tonneau that also offers the ability to mount cross rails with bike/kayak racks?
If you're talking about "hard" roll ups like the Bax X4 or the Truxedo Sentry, then no. Just those two options of this style in the market, and neither have that sort of design or flexibility.