Damn deer


Carpet Delete Missionary
Staff member
Founding Member
Mar 13, 2021
Reaction Points
Current Ride
2022 F-350 Tremor 7.3L
Current Ride #2
1980 Mazda RX-7
Driving home from work, deer ran into the side of the truck. Have had the truck since Saturday.

Minor dents in the drivers side front and rear doors, hair stuck in the rear fender flare, drivers side mirror casing is cracked, rear mud flap is mostly ripped of.

That happens a lot during the rut. I've had a buck come out of nowhere and leap into my windshield, Sept/Oct gotta be extra alert, but that doesn't always help either.
Driving home from work, deer ran into the side of the truck. Have had the truck since Saturday.

Minor dents in the drivers side front and rear doors, hair stuck in the rear fender flare, drivers side mirror casing is cracked, rear mud flap is mostly ripped of.

We're both in a similar but different boat together now buddy.
Driving home from work, deer ran into the side of the truck. Have had the truck since Saturday.

Minor dents in the drivers side front and rear doors, hair stuck in the rear fender flare, drivers side mirror casing is cracked, rear mud flap is mostly ripped of.

Daaaamn that hurts, glad your unscathed brotha.
Thanks, y’all. Other than going through a few minutes of shock, I’m definitely all good. No question this could have been a lot worse.

Damage report has gotten worse now that I’m home and have had a chance to get a better look at it.

First up here’s the mirror. Still fully functional in every regard, other than the spotlight which has disappeared. Connector is hanging loose. As you can see the housing is cracked and has some scratches.


Drivers door was caved in enough to create a crease towards the back of it. Don’t know if that’s repairable or means the sheet metal needs to be replaced.


Additionally, the deer bent the rear wheel well. In the process, the aluminum tore. Probably about 1-2” long, though tough to see because it’s partially hidden by the fender flare. Any idea whether that can be repaired in place? Or will it require the bed side to be replaced?



And lastly, the fur. Worth noting that the line that looks like a horrible scratch is either an artifact of the photo or hair remnants that fell/blew off on the rest of the drive home. Now that I’m home I can’t find any remnants of it.

Pics of the damage and fur? I would proudly mount that deer on wall in garage. Rename Shadowfax to Bambi Destroyer.
Lol! I wish, but by the time I was safely pulled over and out of the truck the deer was long gone. No idea if it had any severe injuries, but at a minimum it has one heck of a headache. :p
Damn I've had a few deer hit me and I've hit several, I think I'm winning so far. 😅 that sucks your truck isn't a week old.🤬
Ya I really wish the deer would have just hit my old truck instead. Though I guess saving grace is I might just keep my old truck long enough to drive it instead of a rental car while the new one is being repaired.
Driving home from work, deer ran into the side of the truck. Have had the truck since Saturday.

Minor dents in the drivers side front and rear doors, hair stuck in the rear fender flare, drivers side mirror casing is cracked, rear mud flap is mostly ripped of.


Man.. I saw the title of the thread and that you posted it and hoped it wasn't what it sounded like. =(
I should also note in good news, that I’m thankful for: the truck is still perfectly drivable. Nothing wrong that would even make a cop raise an eyebrow. So I can keep driving the truck in the meantime until parts are in and it can be repaired.