Bluetooth connection


Tremor Fanatic
Founding Member
Nov 1, 2020
Reaction Points
New York
Current Ride
2020 Lariat F350 Tremor
Current Ride #2
2011 C300
Real quick question.

Any one having issues with there phone Bluetooth disconnecting for no reason? Trying to narrow down if it’s the truck or my phone. Also has trouble reconnecting sometimes. Happens multiple times during travel.
Real quick question.

Any one having issues with there phone Bluetooth disconnecting for no reason? Trying to narrow down if it’s the truck or my phone. Also has trouble reconnecting sometimes. Happens multiple times during travel.
I have a samsung s10 plus and never had issue with the sync 3 in the tremor or the edge
Have the Samsung Note 20 no issues.
This has happened to me a couple times. iPhone X
I’ve got an iPhone 12 Pro Max and have had nothing but trouble with Bluetooth. I will definitely admit that it could be my own fault. Audio lag while videos play, connecting and disconnecting, while wearing AirPods, audio switches between them and truck speakers. I’ve started to just not worrying about having the phone connected at all while in my truck.
Anyone having an issue with Bluetooth and an iPhone, you'll need to do a Master Reset on the Sync System. This is a bit of a pain-in-the-ass because it returns your SYNC System to factory default. This issue only seems to be present for those using an iPhone, which is also the case for CarPlay telephone audio quality (for those listening on the other end). I did a reset on mine and haven't had issues since, but CarPlay is still dicked up.

Hope this helps....
