Another 7.3 Misfire, this time on my 2022


Tremor Member
Aug 12, 2021
Reaction Points
Phoenix, AZ
Current Ride
2022 F250 Tremor 7.3L
I am officially part of the 7.3 misfiring club. I was originally planning on taking the truck for a week to San Diego but the day before I left the truck began running really rough then popped a flashing CEL. While it was idling I was able to hear a kind of clicking or electrical arcing noise. I got a notification from Ford Pass that it had detected a misfire. My initial reaction was that I was another unfortunate victim of the faulty spark plug wires for these engines. Anyway, I limped it over to a nearby dealer the following morning and took the Corolla to California instead.
I picked up the truck yesterday and my service salesman informed me that it was not a bad spark plug wire at all. He said that apparently the plug socket was poorly attached to the sparkplug from the factory and managed to wiggle its way loose from vibration. They re-attached it properly and life is good.
Then comes this morning while I am driving to work, less than 30 miles after picking it up, and the problem has just come back. I am beginning to believe that the dealers explanation was either incorrect or there is another underlying root cause that they have missed. For people that had faulty wires, were you able to hear the audible ticking or arcing sound while yours was happening?
I am disappointed to say the least considering the truck only has 800 miles on it at this point...
I am wondering how I should go about resolving this currently. The first dealer I went to was near my home, about 50 miles from my work where the truck is currently parked. Should I try to have them tow it back to that dealer or just limp it over to another dealer that is closer my work? I want to put as little miles as possible in this condition.

Ill keep yall updated with the situation as it goes forward!
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I am officially part of the 7.3 misfiring club. I was originally planning on taking the truck for a week to San Diego but the day before I left the truck began running really rough then popped a flashing CEL. While it was idling I was able to hear a kind of clicking or electrical arcing noise. I got a notification from Ford Pass that it had detected a misfire. My initial reaction was that I was another unfortunate victim of the faulty spark plug wires for these engines. Anyway, I limped it over to a nearby dealer the following morning and took the Corolla to California instead.
I picked up the truck yesterday and my service salesman informed me that it was not a bad spark plug wire at all. He said that apparently the plug socked was poorly attached to the sparkplug from the factory and managed to wiggle its way loose from vibration. They re-attached it properly and life is good.
Then comes this morning while I am driving to work, less than 30 miles after picking it up, and the problem has just come back. I am beginning to believe that the dealers explanation was either incorrect or there is another underlying root cause that they have missed. For people that had faulty wires, were you able to hear the audible ticking or arcing sound while yours was happening?
I am disappointed to say the least considering the truck only has 800 miles on it at this point...
I am wondering how I should go about resolving this currently. The first dealer I went to was near my home, about 50 miles from my work where the truck is currently parked. Should I try to have them tow it back to that dealer or just limp it over to another dealer that is closer my work? I want to put as little miles as possible in this condition.

Ill keep yall updated with the situation as it goes forward!
Sorry to hear this man...I don't have faulty wires or the misfire issue in mine but my 2021 7.3 with 526 miles on it has been in the shop since 8-23 with an engine electrical issue and they are on their 5th attempt to repair. I have started dialogue with a Lemon Law attorney. I hope yours doesn't get to this point and the problem is resolved!
Update. After letting the engine cool down a bit I started poking around the plug wires and lo and behold, one of the passenger side plug sockets had popped off the spark plug again and was basically hanging loosely. I was able to get it re-seated onto the plug and that seems to have solved the issue for now. I will still be getting in contact with my dealer to provide a new plug wire as this ones socket seems to be defective and not gripping onto the plug well enough.