Got this one problem spot (and only one on the entire bumper) on the inside of my Steelcraft bumper that I've tried to remedy many times, but it keeps showing up within a day or two on the exterior of the bumper. It's not originating from the exterior. It will drip down to the corner, and as you drive, it will splash back on the exterior of it, making it look unsightly.
I used an endoscope camera, and confirmed that it's coming from the tangent, or even beyond past the tangent, unaccessible, of the top of the pipe and the flat plate on top, so it is hard to really address the area properly with mechanical means without cutting the pieces completely apart. Liberally applied chlorinated brake cleaner and a nylon brush is the extent of any cleaning done.
Contacting the warranty dept. tomorrow, but wanted to see if some 2K epoxy primer from Eastwood would work better than the below stuff I've tried, if anyone here has used it?
Products I've tried so far that have not worked:
I used an endoscope camera, and confirmed that it's coming from the tangent, or even beyond past the tangent, unaccessible, of the top of the pipe and the flat plate on top, so it is hard to really address the area properly with mechanical means without cutting the pieces completely apart. Liberally applied chlorinated brake cleaner and a nylon brush is the extent of any cleaning done.
Contacting the warranty dept. tomorrow, but wanted to see if some 2K epoxy primer from Eastwood would work better than the below stuff I've tried, if anyone here has used it?
Products I've tried so far that have not worked:

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