I just ordered a loaded Lariat with bench seat (40/20/40 six passenger). Dealer took $1k deposit to order this configuration. No problem.
I hate the console. Had both over the years. Begin list of complaints;
- Cant reach coffee in the console
- Hurts right knee
- Hurts left knee
- Cant stretch legs with cruise on
- Console just collects junk, but doesn't organize it
- USB ports in stupid location and cable management impossible
- Air vents in back not needed, still have them in floor
- Only thing you really get is cordless phone charger (could care less) Can easily split 110v or 12v if needed.
Bech-seat Pros;
- For $80k delivered, I would like to be able hold as many people as possible, safely.
- For $80k, its really nice to have your woman next to you sometimes.
- I can fit my 'bugout" backpack in the center floor, with stuff I actually need
- Center seat ,with back up, keeps dogs in back of cab. No dragging paws and junk over the center console. They always knock their air vents closed on the console anyway.
-You can get in and out of front of truck on either side in really tight situations like towing and boating, or trails
- Easier to operate Nav and stuff for passenger, or by yourself when you have to input a bunch of waypoints
- Can fit 4 people with seat belts and 60 side of 40/60 seat up, in back, for two dogs on the floor.
Many of my points are personal reasons, and for my lifestyle. But I wanted to share in case people are considering this. I dont have kids. Just the wife and two medium sized dogs. I carry extra family members sometimes and then there are the lunches with the guys. I dont know if my mother-in-law will be able to get in with the fixed Tremor steps. Hmmm. Did I consider this? I will have to help my older lab into the back seat. But he has earned it.
I was getting really annoyed by seeing more an more XLTs with consoles, and every 7.3 with console in a 500 mile radius of me. I ended up up ordering a 6.7 Lariat anyway, but the mania for the console is overwhelming. I told my wife I would honestly consider a XLT, if I could find one. XLTs used to always mean bench seat by default. The first salesmoron I contacted thought the dealer would want $10k deposit to order bench seat on a Lariat Tremor. I thought, if your so good at sales, and you say these Tremors fly off the lot - then you should be able to sell a loaded Tremor Lariat with Black package regardless of seats. Anyway. I love this country and our freedoms to spend money how we want.
I considered the power steps, but didn't want the mechanical liability. I have had heated rear seats in two loaded Lariats and never used them. I considered a KR in Lithium Gray because I have always wanted a KR and the Lithium would be killer, except for the extra chrome... In the end it was the bench seat I wanted most, and Lariat Ultimate with Black package is awesome, and cost less.
Lastly, a pickup truck just means a bench seat for me. Its a tradition I think. I dont need the console for my Keurig and iPad.