So I installed 35 12.5 18 Ridge grapplers today on 18x9 +12 Vision Manx 2 wheels (will post better pics when I get my proper black lugs and its daylight) and although they look awesome, and the ridge grapps have a ton of positive feedback on the forum, they definitely ride noticeably harder than the stock duratracs. Is it the F load (I couldn't find them in a E rating)? I am running them at 60 psi just like the goodyears but they make it feel like an unloaded truck at 80psi all around. I also feel like there is a bit of feedback through the steering wheel and pedals that wasnt there before, not really bad like they are not balanced properly, just a slight odd feeling that wasnt there before. Its been a while since I ran 12.5 tires, could I be just feeling all that meat on the road? Sorry for the rant, after all the posts I read on these, I was just expecting super smoothness with this set up.....any thoughts?
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