2035 - California to Ban Sale of New Gasoline Vehicles


Staff member
Jul 8, 2019
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Austin, Texas
Current Ride
2020 Diesel Tremor
Current Ride #2
2021 Bronco
  • California Governor Newsom has signed an executive order that bans the sale of new gas-powered passenger cars in California starting in 2035.
  • The zero-emissions effort will allow for gas-powered vehicles to continue to be sold on the used market in the state.
  • California has led the nation in emissions rules since the '70s. Today’s order pushes that further.
California has long led the country in emissions standards and has had its own emissions standard since California was issued a waiver under the 1970 Clean Air Act. Gov. Gavin Newsom is pushing that further today with an executive order that all new in-state sales of passenger vehicles must be zero-emission by 2035. In other words, only EVs will be available for purchase as new vehicles from 2035 forward in the state. Announced in a live feed, the order was signed on the hood of a Ford Mustang Mach-E.

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CA, OR (I live there so I have a dog in this fight) and WA are all great examples of what not to do... they can't critically think past their own blinded ideology. Don't get me wrong, I am equal opportunity hater - I hate all politicians but the worst politicians are the ones that believe they know what is best for you and will make those decision (for you) accordingly. Mark my word he and other government leaders will not hold themselves to these new standards - they sure will get their new gas powered cars while the rest of the peasants live under their thumb.
I love it when politicians innovate new technological advancements via legislation. When they develop products that meet the wants and needs of a broad range of potential customer use cases by using amendments and special interests. And when they meet with lobbyists to design components, systems, production methods, and distribution networks to successfully bring desirable offerings to the end user, all at a rate of return justifying the investment.

Oh. Wait. That has never happened. Ever.
I refrain from comment ( probably would be banned) I am red blooded American male, I eat meat, drink alcohol, fish, hunt, chase women and burn fossil fuel.
California can kiss my hair a$$.
I can't imagine this jerkoff's executive order is in any way constitutional, though I'm not really familiar with commiefornia's state constitution. I feel like this would be an easy commerce clause case if someone challenged it to SCOTUS though...and with the R's about to have a dominant split on SCOTUS this is probably just a wet dream for Newscum.
I wonder how that will affect people moving from interstate
probably an exemption when moving in...BUT CA has decided if you move here and your used vehicle has less than 7500 miles on it, they consider it new.

I moved here with a 49 state emissions harley that had 2500 miles on it and was told I can't register it here because It's "new" and doesn't meet commieCARB rules. So my choice was to ride it illegally until I hit 7500 miles or trade it in. So I traded it for a Ducati and immediately put a race exhaust on it, polluting far more than my stock harley did. You can't underestimate the stupidity of this state. It's breathtaking to behold, it really is.
Lol if you don’t like it move, no one makes you live there.
People are fleeing CA in droves.

I moved here for a 2 year work contract. Now I'm at a crossroads of staying for my career or moving back to America.

CA is a beautiful state but it's been gutted by lefty politics. There are homeless shanty towns everywhere, high crime, cost of living is oppressive, taxes are punitive, and half the state is on fire due to forest mismanagement. 300+ days of sunshine are nice though.
People are fleeing CA in droves.

I moved here for a 2 year work contract. Now I'm at a crossroads of staying for my career or moving back to America.

CA is a beautiful state but it's been gutted by lefty politics. There are homeless shanty towns everywhere, high crime, cost of living is oppressive, taxes are punitive, and half the state is on fire due to forest mismanagement. 300+ days of sunshine are nice though.
Apparently we get 340 sunny days a year. Not sure I believe it, but that’s what they say. We still have forest mismanagement though, as we saw last summer with the bushfires. My concern is what happens in California, like the China virus, will spread around the world
The outlet that you plug in the electric car just makes the power its totally clean energy.

don't worry the batteries will be recycled and never end up in a land fill or the ocean either
The outlet that you plug in the electric car just makes the power its totally clean energy.

don't worry the batteries will be recycled and never end up in a land fill or the ocean either
True. No fossil fuels are burned to run the power plants, and there are literally 0 open strip mines for lithium. Elon Musk just says bippity boppity boo and the batteries just materialize out of nothingness.