2021 Lead times


Tremor Buff
Sep 14, 2020
Reaction Points
German Army
First Responder
EMT, First Responder Instructor, Water Rescue
So talked to a dealer today, not a small one, about ordering a tremor and he claimed that we'd be looking at next year summer for a new f250 7.3 tremor. he also claimed that the trailer backup camera and trailer tpms package is currently unavailable and probably will be discontinued due to supplier issues.

Anyone any insights? Does that sound about right? Im torn between finding something that is not really 100% match of what I want and waiting... However I find it a little awkward tat we are talking 6+ months for a new order...

Thank you for your thoughts!
So talked to a dealer today, not a small one, about ordering a tremor and he claimed that we'd be looking at next year summer for a new f250 7.3 tremor. he also claimed that the trailer backup camera and trailer tpms package is currently unavailable and probably will be discontinued due to supplier issues.

Anyone any insights? Does that sound about right? Im torn between finding something that is not really 100% match of what I want and waiting... However I find it a little awkward tat we are talking 6+ months for a new order...

Thank you for your thoughts!
No. I ordered a 2021 F350 Platinum Tremor on 8/24. They took my order and all the options I wanted. They gave me a build order and a sales receipt. I believe on this upcoming Monday Ford will accept the build orders and shortly afterwards give me a vin# and then I can track my status. I absolutely have back up assist. I bought everything available except the safe and the all weather Matts. My MSRP was 93,890$. I was able to apply X Pricing and got 5,150$ off. So it’s 88,740$. But other dudes on this site got it for invoice. Which in my case would have saved me 9,200$. Go check out my link.
“I changed my order from F250 to a F350 and added x pricing”
I originally ordered a F250 and went back on 9/12 and changed my order and added the winch for 3,000$. I show my work order and everything is priced out on it. Check it out bro.
The tremors in two tone look great
I placed my order for a fully loaded (everything I could possibility add) 2021 Lariat Sport - I was told Jan/Feb delivery date but wasn't told there would be any issues with my options (specifically the back up assist package)... 84000 was my price out the door but I was able to get some discounts of about 3k with help from individuals on this site.
Does anyone have any private offer links they can private message? Thanks