Regular Cab Duallies
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  • Man! I think you're on here more than I am! ... and that's sayin' a lot! (y)
    I got mine in mid September and I love everything about it and had it for 12 hours before having to leave for vacation. I find myself weirdly excited to get up in the morning and drive it to work. Wife says “why’s is so big!?” A lot I haven’t told her that it’s taller than the standard one but her dads a rancher she’s been around trucks her whole life!? Lol
    I try to give input where I feel like I have something that might be valuable to add I’ve built a superduty ford truck atleast once a month on the website since I was in elementary school and now I have one!
    Regular Cab Duallies
    Regular Cab Duallies
    Congrats buddy! Can you post/link to some pictures of your rig? I can't seem to find any...
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